Med Spa Services

Botox - Services

Reduce the signs of aging by achieving a natural result that enhances your beauty with this effective treatment.

PRP Hair Restoration - Services
PRP Hair Restoration

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a non-surgical means of hair restoration that utilizes a natural solution to address hair loss. It’s an all-natural and minimally invasive treatment that enhances hair growth at a cellular level.

Dermal Fillers - Revitalized Med Spa
Dermal Fillers

Enhance your natural facial features with strategically placed filler that counterbalances the effects of aging.

IV Hydration Therapy

Clinician-approved intravenous hydration therapy is an integrative treatment method that delivers essential hydration, vitamins, and nutrients directly to your bloodstream. Depending on the blend, IV hydration can yield a wide range of health benefits. It’s the most effective way to hydrate and replenish your body when it’s been depleted by traveling (jet lag), overconsumption of alcohol, excessive sun and wind exposure, aging, exercise, and more.

Revitalized Drip - Services
Revitalized Drip

This comprehensive micronutrient blend was designed by the late Dr. Meyers and is considered the gold standard in IV Therapy. It’s known to alleviate numerous medical conditions and improve mood, vitality, immune system function, quality of sleep, and more. Ingredients: IV Fluids, Magnesium, B-Complex Vitamins, Calcium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B12.

Rejuvenate Drip - Services
Rejuvenate Drip

Our beauty treatment drip cultivates health and beauty from the inside out by offering anti-aging benefits that can reduce wrinkles, rehydrate tired skin, and improve the overall health of hair, skin, and nails. Ingredients: IV Fluids, Vitamin C, B-Complex, and Biotin.

Revitalized Drip - Services
Recovery Drip

A blend of IV fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, and medications to recover from workouts quickly. This drip can help boost immune function, reduce inflammation, and support faster muscle healing. Ingredients: IV Fluids, B-Complex Vitamins, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, and Vitamin C.

Wellness Shots

Wellness Shots - Services

Clinician-approved intravenous hydration therapy is an integrative treatment method that delivers essential hydration, vitamins, and nutrients directly to your bloodstream. Depending on the blend, IV hydration can yield a wide range of health benefits. It’s the most effective way to hydrate and replenish your body when it’s been depleted by traveling (jet lag), overconsumption of alcohol, excessive sun and wind exposure, aging, exercise, and more.

Everyone’s metabolic rates differ so we can’t predict how quickly you’ll experience the benefits. Generally, most people feel the positive effects of their wellness shots within a few hours. Some individuals may require more than one shot to replenish their deficiencies and will begin to feel the benefits once they reach an optimal level. Wellness shots are excellent if you’re short on time and will generally last one to two weeks. During your appointment, your practitioner will discuss what’s the best regimen for you.
Book your treatment today and get glowing from the inside out!

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Revitalized Med Spa is here so you can look good, feel great and be your best. Our professional services will revitalize you. Book your treatment today and achieve your wellness goals.

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